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Small garden inspirations

There are always challenges when it comes to making furnished areas usable, but there are some useful tips to bear in mind when designing your outdoor space. Here are some of our favourites

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Alfresco is on the rise

Alfresco is on the rise Alfresco dining isn’t a new concept, even in the UK. It’s been particularly popular during the pandemic for understandable reasons, but there are benefits that extend beyond social distancing that can be appreciated by all in a variety of situations. With BBQ and picnic season in full swing we thought

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Four tips for creating a cosy corner in your home

Four Tips for creating a cosy corner in your home Studies show that our happiness can be affected and lifted by our home’s interior design and decor. It is no surprise that our surroundings hold such power over emotions and that homes should be a sanctuary to unwind and feel safe, comfortable, and happy!  It’s

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Plastic – The designer’s perfect pick

Plastic – The designer’s perfect pick Plastic furniture design and manufacture has come a long way in recent years. The technical advances made with the use of plastic in all areas of interior design mean that it’s a designer’s favourite material and a mainstream choice for all areas of interior design today. So, we’d like

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How to create a beautiful Scandi style

How to create a beautiful Scandi style First of all what is ‘Scandi style’ and why is it such a popular style movement? Well, Scandinavian homes are dark – due to lack of natural light in that part of the world. Especially during long, dark winter months. So, homes need to make the most of

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How to prepare your home and garden for spring

How to prepare your home and garden for Spring Spring will be here before you know it, and with the magic of Christmas behind us, the gruelling long dark nights we’ve endured and the chilly mornings…most, if not all of us, cannot wait! As a season, spring offers all kinds of home decoration possibilities. But

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Five Interior colour trends for 2022…and how to use them

Five Interior colour trends for 2022…and how to use them It’s fair to say that we could all do with a bit of a reset – some joy, excitement and little optimism. And our homes are no different. For the past couple of years, we’ve stuck to what we know – cosy creams, safe greys

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Creating the cosiest outdoor space

Creating the cosiest outdoor space If the last two years have given us anything, it’s a renewed appreciation for what our homes have to offer. Instead of nights out, we’ve stayed in. Where once we busied ourselves in beer gardens, we now make the best of our flower beds. And as the summer months are

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