How to prepare your home and garden for spring | Futanni

How to prepare your home and garden for Spring

Spring will be here before you know it, and with the magic of Christmas behind us, the gruelling long dark nights we’ve endured and the chilly mornings…most, if not all of us, cannot wait!

As a season, spring offers all kinds of home decoration possibilities. But what about the garden? Large or small, ‘bringing the indoors out’ can transform an unloved and unused space into a whole new area to relax and entertain in.

Start with a good spring clean! Clean the windows, mow the lawn, clear any rubbish, trim hedges and pull out any weeds. You’ll need a clean and fresh canvas to work with.

If time is limited or you’re not green-fingered, you can achieve a blooming garden overnight with some seasonal plants from your garden centre. Invest in some beautiful pots in bold colours.

And if you’re super busy, why not invest in a professional garden clean up service or landscaper?

Ares 80 Table & Marlow Arm Chairs

Now it’s time to think about how the area will be used. Is there a pathway to your dining area? Is your dining space close to the kitchen or BBQ area?

Where does the sun reach and at what times of the day? Do you need some paving stones, or would a wooden deck area be more accessible?

Having a plan before you begin and thinking about logistics before you invest will save you a great deal of time and money in the long run.

Next, invest in some stylish new garden furniture.

Check out this Air dining set in tropical green. And for larger spaces, the Florida Grey Dining Set.  If you have a small garden or a balcony, it’s even more important to invest in statement pieces – such as the Marlow arm chair. This chair can mix and match in different colours and there’s also a bar stool available in the same stylish design if you wanted to add to your new area in the summer months.

If you feel inspired by these ideas then Futanni can help you make your dream garden a reality. Our delivery times are impressive and costs are low. So, start planning and picking today to get spring garden ready!

Tip: Choose garden furniture that is rust-proof and durable, and ideally a design which you can use inside your home too
