Four tips for creating a cosy corner in your home | Futanni

Four Tips for creating a cosy corner in your home

Studies show that our happiness can be affected and lifted by our home’s interior design and decor. It is no surprise that our surroundings hold such power over emotions and that homes should be a sanctuary to unwind and feel safe, comfortable, and happy! 

It’s important that the items in your home bring you joy by creating a comfortable, inviting place to be. Items and styles that bring happiness will be different for everyone as each individual has a different preference, and that’s fine. 

Along with adding natural light and life (plants!), we’ve discovered that adding a designated special spot within the home for relaxing after work or a long day can significantly boost your happiness. Here are a few tips for creating that space:

1. Use mood boosting colours

For example, blue creates a tranquil and peaceful environment while green alleviates stress. You can consider these colours when setting up your relaxing corner and perhaps opt for a calming rug, cushions, and even use upholstered furniture. Colour therapy is becoming increasingly popular with interior designs and homeowners because it has the ability to affect and change your mood. Read more about how you can use colour therapy in your lives here.

2. Buy comfortable furniture and cushions

A major factor in your furniture choices, you will thank yourself down the line. A comfortable set of furniture can help you to relax, decompress and leave you feeling more energetic but also protect your posture so you don’t get aches and pains. This comfort isn’t exclusive to indoors, you can also create a comfy seated area outside. Here are some of our suggestions:

3. Use room dividers unless you have a neglected nook to transform

Room dividers are stylish yet practical and can help you create a cosy space in any room that allows you to shut off from the world and relax. They are easy to move so you don’t need to commit to separating any one area of your living space and you can store them easily when you want to open the room up again.
Alternatively, and very common in older buildings, you might have an awkward sized nook in an area of your home that you can transform. These spaces are perfect for creating a quiet, calm spot without too much effort.

4. Add a lamp to create the perfect level of light

Research has shown that soft lighting evokes and relaxing, calm atmosphere. Having lights or lamps with a dimmer switch is the perfect way to manage the levels of light in your cosy space and also be able to use them when you need full light.
Natural light can help your body synthesise vitamins and regulate your sleep cycle so you might choose for your relaxing space to be near a window. If you do decide this, you can still make use of a lamp in the evening for soft light.
Now you’re well on your way to creating the ultimate cosy space in your home for relaxing and boosting your serotonin levels. We hope that our tips work for you!
