Alfresco is on the rise | Futanni

Alfresco is on the rise

Alfresco dining isn’t a new concept, even in the UK. It’s been particularly popular during the pandemic for understandable reasons, but there are benefits that extend beyond social distancing that can be appreciated by all in a variety of situations. With BBQ and picnic season in full swing we thought it was the perfect time to dive into the pros of outside dining, why it is a popular option, and how you can enjoy these perks in your own home beyond the limitations of summer.

Sun, sun, sun!

Let’s start with the obvious, though – good weather. As a nation that loves a drink in the sun and cracking out the paddling pool at the first opportunity, it’s no surprise that alfresco dining is most popular in the summer months – it has always been a great way to get family and friends together, whether that’s a casual picnic on the lawn or a sit-down occasion. Given how unpredictable UK summers can be, it’s important to make the most of any sunshine we are blessed with…
However, that’s not to say that alfresco dining lives and dies in the summer season. Autumn and even winter offer plenty of opportunity to still enjoy outdoor spaces. With cosy accessories, patio heaters and ambient lighting, there’s no need to pack away the patio furniture just yet. This is something already being embraced by the hospitality industry that could be easily transferred to your own garden – a commonly forgotten asset as the temperatures start to drop!

Eating outside is good for you – literally.

Not just a plea to get more use out of your outdoor furniture…the health benefits of eating in the fresh air speak for themselves and are backed by science. According to new research from the University of East Anglia, living close to nature and spending time outside has significant and wide-ranging health benefits. This includes a reduced risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, preterm birth, stress and high blood pressure.
Vitamin D – produced from exposure to direct sunlight – also has a multitude of health benefits. It helps to improve your sleep, reduce stress, maintain strong bones and fight off depression, just to name a few. Now, if that doesn’t encourage you to grab your sunglasses and take your burgers outside, nothing will!

How to take mealtimes beyond the dining room.

  1. Invest in your garden furniture; make it a relaxing space to be. Your outdoor furniture should offer you the same comfort as your indoor setups. By doing this you will automatically feel more inclined to move outside.
  2. Warm up your outdoor area. Autumn is fast approaching, and patio heaters, blankets and cushions are a great way to cosy up your spaces. Check out our blog here for some tips.
  3. Keep it simple! Eating outside does not have to be an occasion every time. A picnic on the lawn or buffet from the patio table are perfectly acceptable ways to enjoy some fresh air while you eat.

Thinking of upgrading your garden furniture? We have some great options available on our website, such as the modern Bloom Dining Set or sleek Monaco Lounge Set which is available in three stunning shades depending on your palette. Looking for something more traditional? Check out our classic More Square Dining Set for a timeless space.

We also cater to indoor settings, should that be more your style. Happy shopping!
