Five Interior colour trends for 2022...and how to use them | Futanni

Five Interior colour trends for 2022…and how to use them

It’s fair to say that we could all do with a bit of a reset – some joy, excitement and little optimism. And our homes are no different. For the past couple of years, we’ve stuck to what we know – cosy creams, safe greys and neutral hues.
Well, as we welcome in the new year, the team at Futanni believe it’s the perfect time to refresh and recharge our homes.
Bring on the colour and the fun, and let’s set the tone for 2022!

Harland Bar Stool

1. Hello Sunshine!

Nothing says happy more than a bright, sunny yellow. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be overpowering and garish. Use a buttery or subdued shade of yellow on your walls to brighten dark spaces. Or pick out soft furnishings and striking furniture which provide an accent of cheerful yellow.

2. Green Supreme

It’s the year of rejuvenation, a connection to nature and nurturing, and a renewed focus on balance. Green is rich and grounding and symbolises all of these feelings.

It’s also easy to add to existing décor if you’re refreshing a space rather than renovating. From opulent emerald and serene olive to chalky greens and shades of soft mint, be brave and have fun with this natural and optimistic colour.

Marlow Collection

2. Top Up Your Tan

The 70s have a big influence over interior trends this year with warm and earthy tan browns and delicious caramel. You can make any space look refined and inviting with stylish brown furniture combined with a burst of bright, bold colour. A strong neutral wall colour also makes a perfect backdrop for a statement chair 

3. Feeling Blue

Bright Skies was chosen as Dulux colour of 2022. You can see why – it’s fresh, uplifting and soothing. And who wouldn’t wanted to be surrounded with endless skies? Particularly when we place so much value on freedom these days. Don’t forget the fifth wall…your ceiling! A sky blue would be just magical here.

Crystal Chair

5. Seeing Red

You wouldn’t necessarily see red as a comforting colour for your home but a wall colour such as ‘Incarnadine’ by Farrow & Ball combines traditional red with tones of the Mediterranean.

It would pair perfectly with bright white contemporary furniture. If terracotta feels more your vibe, pair with natural materials for a cosy and rich space

This choice of colour trends for 2022 signals an optimistic future and a move towards greater wellbeing. And while some of us continue to work from home, having a cheerful and inspiring place to be is vital to our positive attitudes. If this is the year you decide to transform your home and garden, grab some inspiration here

Brooklyn Arm Chair
